【店主推介預購系列 - 熊仔除濕器🐻】

【The owner recommends the pre-order series - bear dehumidifier 🐻】

【The owner recommends the pre-order series - bear dehumidifier 🐻】
Spring is here🌷, and we have to face the humid weather😖, what is the shirt in the closet😩? Don't be afraid! This bear dehumidifier can help you, just put it here, it will have a moisture absorption effect, It is best used to absorb the moisture in wardrobes and shoe cabinets. After absorbing the moisture, put it in the microwave and return it to dry, and then it can be recycled 😍~ Even if it is a dried fruit array, it can be used as a decoration. It really kills two birds with one stone✌️~ Practical, beautiful and environmentally friendly, don’t buy it and go away 😏!

Bear Cub dehumidifier $130 each ✔️ No need to use batteries, easy to use ✔️ Cute appearance, can be used as a decoration ✔️ Lightweight, can be used anywhere

Reminder, if you don’t have a credit card💳, you can leave a message or INBOX and we will help you place the order. The payment method can be debited by the bank 💰. After debiting, please provide the deposit slip for confirmation.
Estimated arrival date: about 1 month later

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