
【Pork bone ramen report📖】

New year and new weather🎎, Miri shop and the owner must make progress. In addition to knowing the food, it is time to release some specific food reviews😏! The first one is thick pork bone very thin noodles🐷 and Harigane spicy Flavored Pork Bone Noodles 🐽 There are two types of noodles, the owner will rate them with different standards (★ = 1 point, ☆ = 0.5 points, the total score is 5 points), the overall evaluation can be seen in the film, for your reference😝~

Harigane Spicy Pork Bone Noodles $26: goo.gl/XcQDuY
Hardness: ★★★★👍; Roughness: ★☆
【Soup Base】
Pork bone degree: ★★★★☆👍; spice degree: ★★★☆; thickness: ★★★★👍
Ingredients Servings: ★

Thick Pork Bone Minced Noodles $26 :goo.gl/MGJaFk
Hardness: ★★★☆; Roughness: ★☆
【Soup Base】
Pork bone degree: ★★★☆; Spice degree: 0; Thickness: ★★★
Ingredients Quantity: ★★★☆👍

The two types of cup noodles have a special feature, that is, they can be eaten within 1 minute of baking⏰, for those who are in a hurry🏃~

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