
This time it is the restaurant of Ginza Yushi 🍴

This time, I'm the restoran of Ginza の隠れ's house🍴
This time it is the restaurant of Ginza Yushi 🍴
しかも、Ebi Sanmai Cosusの専店マdamシュリンプのごIntroduction We will introduce Nadame Shrimp, a specialty store of shrimp samadhi cuisine.
In the shop は, 打着いた室ぽい间仔切りのゆったりシートで, ロマンチックナおぇーえには最佳かな...もちろん海老好きの方はっったりい无し💕
In front of the store, there are spacious and separated seats that can relax and feel like a private room. It is best for a romantic date... Of course, everyone who likes shrimp will definitely like it💕

まずは, 4 kinds of appetizers Sheng りFirst of all, there are 4 types of appetizers: Ebi, アボカド, マグロタルタル wasabi マ㨨ソース・Shrimp, avocado, tuna paste, wasabi mayonnaise・Akakai lao り, トリュフスルトト・grilled red shrimp, truffle salt・Softシェルバナマメイ Ebi no fritto, yuzu jin ja ィースース・Fried soft-shell vannamei shrimp, yuzu ginger sauce・チーズリゾットのアランチーニ、アリケーヌヌ and ジェノベーゼ・Cheese risotto potato wave, Sauce Americaine with pesto

Appetizer の前のお通しに…
Yusuke と Ebi の リエットジャーマンポテトト风をちょっぴり解みに、シャンパンでかんぱーーーい🍾
I chose the German potato style with cooked meat sauce of fish and shrimp, and toasted with champagne 🍾 as if "Little girl, toast to your dazzling beauty!" Feeling like ❤️

ロブスターのビスクホテテテテトズワイガニの骨ロマネスコのグリル Lobster bisque, scallops and shrimp grilled broccoli

ウチワ Ebi ニュージーランド from Nagasaki prefecture, スキャンピの子焼き fan shrimp from Nagasaki prefecture, and Scanbi shrimp from New Zealand

オマール Ebi の热し焼きアメリケーヌをチーズフォンデュ风にインカの目覚め, ブロッコリー, カブをのえて steamed European claw lobster, American sauce, cheese fondue, and noodles, plus potatoes, broccoli and kohlrabi

Ise Hailao テールのパスタスペシャリテ Yundanのクリームソース spaghetti with lobster tail, special cream sauce of Yundan

Dessert 💕
Ebi 🦐だけに特化して, これだけのコース食を出せるお店は中々ないと思うし, Ginzaの隠れ家ってのがまた, シャレオツ❤️
Apart from this shop, there should be no other shop that has so many special whole shrimp 🦐 dishes. It is Ginza Yushi Restaurant ❤️
Hai Laohao きのカップルには、Right and wrong line って顶たたいお店です❤️
Couples who like to eat shrimp must go ❤️
At first からlast まで, Ebi Isshiki のコース...💦
Shrimp dishes from start to finish...💦
Shopkeeper とっしーは, 実は Ebi が Kushou なので, Structure つらたん💔なdinner だったのはないしょね🙊
The owner, とっしー, actually loves shrimps, so they eat them reluctantly💔Everyone has to keep it a secret🙊
とっしーの突撃グルメレフート‼ ️
とっしー(Toshi) Assault Gourmet Report!!
とっしー(Toshi) randomly chooses restaurants in Japan, and wants to introduce Japanese food to everyone📷❤️
※「食べログ」とは☝🏻 Hong Kongで言う「OpenRice」の様な, Japanのぐるめサイトです.
※"食べログ" is similar to "OpenRice" in Hong Kong, and it is a website for Japanese cuisine.

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