
The world's No. 1 dashi omelette store❗

World One のだし巻きき蛋を出すお店❗
The world's No. 1 dashi omelet store!
【Standing Tianjun (Tianjun Store)】食べログ⭐3.04

Daitabashi, Tokyo (Keio Shinjuku Line Shinjuku から 2 Station)にある、名前の通り立ち呑みのIzakaya❤️
In Daitabashi, Tokyo (2 stations after Shinjuku Station on the Keio Shinjuku Line), the store lives up to its name as a standing izakaya❤️
Because it is vertical, the price is very flat❤️
The store is はスーパーいけど…これがまたいい味出してる☝🏻
The noodles in the store are super thin...but everything is delicious☝🏻
そんな、一见どこにでもありそうな Izakaya...
Just look at such izakayas around...
But しかしぃ❗ここのだし巻きききききいのである☝🏻
But yes! The dashi omelet here is the best in Japan☝🏻
Japan's first delicious いだし巻きってことは, the world's first うまいのです❗
If it is the best taste in Japan, it means the best taste in the world!
※Based on とっしー's taste and experience💦

そのだし卷き蛋🐣💛 がこちら☝🏻

This one is the broth egg roll...☝🏻

look scared~~~
The amount of juice that leaked out 😱
だし卷きを, おはし🥢で切ると更に, 出汁が流れ出るという❤️
Use chopsticks to cut the broth egg roll, and the juice will leak out even more❤️
ほんで, この出汁が超着惊きの指味 Attack❗
These juices are simply an amazingly delicious attack!
しかも, Wuhuatiao😱 (No chemical seasonings are used☝🏻 )
And there are no additives (useless chemical seasoning☝🏻)
たまごの焼きAddition and subtraction もExquisiteで is the highest over ぎる飞品❗
The baked egg rolls are a masterpiece!
This place has amazing dashi omelets!
购け加えて言うと、他にもmost おつまみお饭があって、どれもかなりのレベルで美味い😋
ちなみに、こちらにいているJapanese sake🍶もvarious delicacyしもので、andつ、とっても吟味された品揃えなのである☝🏻
In addition, there are many other snacks in Qudu, all of which are delicious. After talking about it, the Japanese wines he displayed are relatively rare, and I can see that they are carefully selected products☝🏻s
Japanese の立ち呑みstyle☝🏻
Japanese standing style☝🏻
right or wrong
Everyone go try and scare~
※食べログのpoints are 3.04とちょいとlow めだけど, このエリアのpopulationからすると, 3.5 is equivalent to っと思う☝🏻
※The score of 食べログ is 3.04. Although there are some low scores, but according to the population here, I think it is equivalent to 3.5 points☝
とっしーの突撃グルメレフート‼ ️
とっしー(Toshi) surprise food report!! ️
とっしー(Toshi) randomly chooses restaurants in Japan, and wants to introduce Japanese food to everyone📷📷📷📷📷❤️
※「食べログ」とは☝🏻 Hong Kongで言う「OpenRice」の様な, Japanのぐるめサイトです.
※"食べログ" is similar to "OpenRice" in Hong Kong, and it is a website for Japanese cuisine.

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