Japanese Lesson

【迷日日語教室 – マジ卍】

【Miri Japanese Class – マジ卍】

【Miri Japanese Class – マジ卍】 I am surprised that everyone will be bored if you are right about the Kansai dialect. This time, the shop manager is new, holding a...

【Miri Japanese Class – マジ卍】

【Miri Japanese Class – マジ卍】 I am surprised that everyone will be bored if you are right about the Kansai dialect. This time, the shop manager is new, holding a...

【迷日日語教室 – 勉強する】

【Miri Japanese Class – Reluctantly する】

【Miri Japanese Class – Reluctantly する】 If you know Japanese, you should know the meaning of "勒力する", that is, to learn how to explain it, but it turns out that...

【Miri Japanese Class – Reluctantly する】

【Miri Japanese Class – Reluctantly する】 If you know Japanese, you should know the meaning of "勒力する", that is, to learn how to explain it, but it turns out that...

【迷日日語教室 – 地方名稱】

【Miri Japanese Class – Place Name】

What local dialect do you speak today? It’s the local name! It turns out that even the local name is spoken differently in different places~ Everyone, go to the local...

【Miri Japanese Class – Place Name】

What local dialect do you speak today? It’s the local name! It turns out that even the local name is spoken differently in different places~ Everyone, go to the local...

【迷日日語教室 – ちゃうちゃう】

【Miri Japanese Class – ちゃうちゃう】

It's class time~ The shop owner's country dialect classroom, the word to be taught today is "ちゃうちゃう". "Shooting"? "Shooting". This is not a Morse code, nor is it a password....

【Miri Japanese Class – ちゃうちゃう】

It's class time~ The shop owner's country dialect classroom, the word to be taught today is "ちゃうちゃう". "Shooting"? "Shooting". This is not a Morse code, nor is it a password....

【迷日日語教室 – しばく!】

【Miri Japanese Class – しばく!】

【Miri Japanese Class – しばく!】 The shop owner's country dialect classroom, the word to be taught today is "しばく!". This word has two meanings ✌️, as for what it means,...

【Miri Japanese Class – しばく!】

【Miri Japanese Class – しばく!】 The shop owner's country dialect classroom, the word to be taught today is "しばく!". This word has two meanings ✌️, as for what it means,...

【迷日日語教室 – さむっ!】

【Miri Japanese Class – さむっ!】

It's time to teach everyone how to speak the shopkeeper's country dialect. The word I want to speak today is "さむっ!", which is used to say that people are gag...

【Miri Japanese Class – さむっ!】

It's time to teach everyone how to speak the shopkeeper's country dialect. The word I want to speak today is "さむっ!", which is used to say that people are gag...